It takes a team to win the talent war. Crew brings everyone into the hiring process, from sourcing to closing. So you can hire the A-Players your moonshot mission needs, much faster!
Find great talent in days, not months.
Start getting candidates now!
One-Click sourcing,
from everywhere
Add candidates from top platforms (LinkedIn, GitHub...)
Find emails, phones, social links
Contact and follow-up from extension
Automate your outreach, while staying hyper-personal
Send multichannel sequences
Customize before hitting send
Write on behalf of teammates
Build & share a beautiful career page in minutes
Generate custom URLs
Create personalized forms
Track candidates sources
The missing half of Linkedin
Bring your CRM on top of LinkedIn.
Get full context, where you need it
Update, comment, or add reminders on the spot
Sync your inbox to keep everyone in the loop
Involve managers and interviewers
Recruiting is a team sport. From referring candidates to conducting interviews, Crew helps your team getting more done in less time.
Structure your interview process
Plan your interviews
Let interview notes
Define scorecards
Share teams' feedback
Get better with analytics
Top of the funnel metrics
Pass-through rates
Time to hire & time to fill
Source & rejection tracking
All-in-one, frictionless.
One source of truth for the whole team, always up to date.
Before Crew
After Crew
Outreach automation
Ready to use, best in
class templates
Use our templates library to quickly get started and hire like the best talents.
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What people say about us
A frictionless
We made sure leaving your tool stack is no further than a few clicks away. We take care of the rest, enjoy the view.